Acne scars

Treatment for acne scars

Scars created as a result of previous acne of the face that tormented the patient for several years, can be corrected with a combination of different actions & interventions, with amazing results. Before you go to the trouble of a laborious, irritating, expensive and without the result of treatment in not properly trained people, consult us.

Surface acne scars

The most superficial scars respond to a certain degree of facial peeling where 2-3 repetitions per month are always required for the desired result.

Deep acne scars

For the deepest and most intense scars it is advisable to treat with Erbium Laser which in experienced hands is considered to be the deepest and most effective in the area of scars  recovery, while irritation caused especially in Mediterranean skins disappears within a few days.

If the scars exceed the depth of the epidermis and the dermis and reach the subcutaneous fat then it may be necessary to pre-process the removal of the scars (punch elevator-exhibition) and then the application of the treatments.

In addition, the placement of automatically fat after any treatments adds even better results to the intense and deep scars.

Acne scars : What is the cost for treatment ?

The cost of treatment for acne scars depends on:

The extent of the problem.

Choosing how to treat according to the individual needs of the patient.

The number of sessions that will be deemed necessary to eliminate the problem.

During your first visit to Dr. Manos Pantelidis, the above factors will be assessed and you will be given the price for your own special treatment.

Before you go to the trouble of a laborious, irritating, expensive and without the result of treatment in not properly trained people, consult us.

  • Ουλές ακμής : Αφαίρεση με Laser (Λέιζερ). Φωτογραφία πριν & μετά
  • Ουλές ακμής & αφαίρεση με λέιζερ (Laser) . Φωτογραφία πριν & μετά
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