Anti-aging face – skin
Anti-aging - Pixel Skin Regeneration
Traditional methods of skin regeneration (chemical peeling, microdermabration, acid peeling) are accompanied by discomfort, pain and long recovery time. This means stopping from daily activities. By comparison, the PIXEL method is ideal for those patients who are active as it does not require a long recovery time, while at the same time it is a comfortable and painless procedure with obvious and drastic results.
PIXEL skin regeneration, improves skin texture, gives tone to the tissue, reduces wrinkles and eliminates brown marks, in essence and eliminates all these factors that add years to appearance by restoring youthfulness.
It also helps to disappear scars and acne scars.
Treatment for anti-aging
PIXEL therapy is based on the principle of micro-thermal treatment zones, i.e. depending on the head used, small invasive zones are created by removing the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin).
The result of this method is the creation of new cells of the surface of the skin, making the skin look younger and healthier.
How many sessions do they need?
The doctor in cooperation with the patient and depending on the problem that exists determine the number of sessions. Generally, 4 weeks should elapse between sessions.
The PIXEL treatment?
Treatment for anti-aging face PIXEL is painless.
A few minutes immediately after treatment, the patient may feel a feeling of itching or burning.
The skin gradually blushes and peels and after a few days the skin stays healthy and shiny.
This peeling is a process of new skin production.
Patients describe the treatment as comfortable and without down time.
Where is it applied & who are the appropriate patients?
It can be applied to all skin types and anywhere in the body. This method can be used in sensitive areas such as face, neck, décolleté and hands.
What period can be treated?
It is preferable to treat this treatment in the autumn and winter months, as after treatment the skin should not come into contact with the sun.
Αnti-aging : What is the cost for treatment?
The cost of laser anti-aging treatment depends on the area to be lasered, the individual needs of the patient and the number of sessions that will be deemed necessary to eliminate the problem. During your first visit to Plastic, the above factors will be assessed and you will be given the price for your own special treatment.